Mar 21, 2011


Why Initial Dating is hard for Women Too

Mar 21, 2011 Jamie Ott
Woman is approached by a man. - Photostock
Woman is approached by a man. - Photostock
Despite modern times, a majority of women
continue to wait to be approached by men.
Some say waiting women have it easy,
but here is why it's not.

In dating, some believe women have it easier because they are not
expected to approach a man. However, waiting for a man to approach
is much more antagonizing than some realize. One never knows who is
going to approach, and sometimes men approach women at the wrong time.
Here are several reasons why being approached by men is frustrating.

Waiting to Be Approached

Waiting to be approached can take days, weeks, months, and even years.
If a woman is not noticeable to men, then they will not approach and this
could mean a long time of single life. A woman has to figure the right amount
of flirting and meticulous grooming to attract a male, and not send off too sexual,
or desperate, a vibe; this can be just as difficult as trying to ask a woman out.
Men have said to me that women can get a man any time they want, but it's
getting a man that respects women that is a challenge, and getting a man
who is not just after one thing.

Quality of the Approach

Unfortunately, the quality of the approach is not always goods. Sometimes a
woman can be bombarded by males who deliver obvious pick up lines.
By obvious, it is meant that it's clear, in the way a man approaches, that
the lines he delivers may have been used at least a hundred times before.
Other times, a man may not match a woman's preference and, sometimes,
it's just a bad time to be approached, like on a day for running errands.

Competition to be Noticed

If a woman is not the most attractive or eye catching in the room, then
she may never be approached. Not only can this lead to unhealthy female
competition, but, once again, she must figure the right amount of grooming
and flirting without being perceived as aggressive or desperate. Sometimes
stakes in a competition can be upped by dressing more sexy, but dressing
more sexy can be misunderstood for promiscuity and, consequently,
attract the wrong kind of man.

Additional Comments

There are men who like to be approached by women, and there are just
as many who prefer to do the approaching. When reading this article,
some may think "why not just talk to a guy?" Women do talk to men,
but despite modern times, some have confessed to me that women
who show too much interest seem to be of low character. To make it
worse, those who confessed this didn't understand why they felt this way.
In the end, when it comes to dating, women are still waiting while men
continue to plow the fields. If something is not desirable, they move along,
and if someone rejects them, then they move along. Perhaps being approached
is easier, but the benefits in having choices and being able to act on them
outweighs the disadvantages of having to play the submissive role of
waiting to be asked out by a man.