
Apr 7, 2009


Scientist gagged over quake warning 2 hours 52 mins ago Print Story An Italian scientist was reported to authorities for spreading panic after he warned a major quake would strike L'Aquila, it has emerged. Weeks before disaster struck the city and killed more than 90 people, seismologist Giacchino Giuliani had warned of an impending disaster - but his forecast was dismissed by the government which said it had no scientific foundation. Tremors were first felt in the region in mid-January and continued at regular intervals, creating mounting alarm in the medieval city. A month ago, vans with loudspeakers drove around the town telling locals to evacuate their houses after Mr Giuliani, from the National Institute of Astrophysics, predicted a large quake was on the way. However, this reportedly infuriated the local mayor. Mr Giuliani, who based his forecast on concentrations of radon gas around seismically active areas, was reported to police for "spreading alarm". He was also forced to remove his findings from the web. Earlier, a defensive Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi gave a news conference on the quake and dodged questions about the whether his government had properly safeguarded the population in light of Mr Giuliani's warning. Mr Berlusconi said now was the time to concentrate on relief efforts and "we can discuss afterwards about the predictability of earthquakes". On March 31, Italy's Civil Protection agency held a meeting in L'Aquila of the Major Risks Committee to reassure the townspeople. A statement issued on the eve of the meeting said: "The tremors being felt by the population are part of a typical sequence ... (which is) absolutely normal in a seismic area like the one around L'Aquila." It added that the agency saw no reason for alarm but was nonetheless effecting "continuous monitoring and attention". • Email to a friendArticle SearchRelated Who ate our rhinos? Serengeti buys 32 rhinos from South Africa MUGINI JACOB in Serengeti, 6th April 2009 @ 02:52 Serengeti National Park (SENAPA) is providing special security training to game rangers as part of its preparations to import 32 black rhinos from South Africa. The training is directed by experts from the South African-based African Field Rangers Services under the coordination of Frankfurt Zoological (FZS). Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) Director General Mr Gerald Bigurube last Friday closed the first round of the training comprising 34 participants. A total of 145 game rangers and some conservators are lined up for the training that started on February 23 and will end on July 3 this year, under the sponsorship of Grumeti Fund, an American investor’s firm which operates in Serengeti. Mr Bigurube described the training as important as far as the security of wild animals and safety of game rangers was concerned in the park. “This training is important and by putting what you have learnt into practice you will be safe from enemies”, Mr Bigurube said thanking Grumeti Fund for supporting the programme. SENAPA chief park warden Mr Martin Loibooki said the game rangers were mostly trained to carry out patrols on foot rather using vehicles as it been the case in the past. They are also trained on proper weapon handling, fire and movement, bush lane shooting, patrol tactics and black rhino monitoring skills, among other things, according to Mr Loibooki. Key conversation stakeholders based in the western Serengeti like Grumet Reserves, Ikorongo game reserve and Bunda based anti-poaching special unit have also been involved in the progamme. “The black rhinos will be brought in our park but they might get out of the park and we expect our colleagues to help us ”, the SENAPA chief park warden said. Mr Loibooki hinted that the park would import a total of 32 black rhinos from South Africa by November this year. Purchase of back rhinos from South Africa is a five-year project that is estimated to cots 4.5 million US dollars; according to the FZS African programme chief, Dr Markus Borner. Dr Borner also lauded TANAPA’s conservation efforts. “TANAPA has become one of the most efficient conservation organization in Africa and it has set an example. We are here (Serengeti) to protect this area as national and international heritage”, the head of FZS African Regional Office said at the same occasion. The TANAPA DG also urged game rangers in the park to be patriotic when fulfilling their obligations in the park, promising that the TANAPA would do everything possible to improve their welfare. “Being patriotic does not mean your welfare will not be improved. Once the current economic crisis is resolved, we’ll improve your welfare”, he said. TANAPA will also continue giving women top priority on employment because they have been doing well, according to Mr Bigurube. Two female game rangers completed the first round of the training on Friday. Question: Who ate our rhinos? and why vifaru vya maskini hawazai? • Email to a friendArticle SearchRelated BAWATA, NYF Vs Haki za Kiraia Serikali iliifuta BAWATA kwa kigezo kwamba inajihusisha na siasa. Ikaifuta NYF kwa sababu ya kujihusisha na siasa, ingawa miaka michache baadaye serikali ikatoa sababu tofauti katika maelezo bungeni. Hukumu ya kesi hii inapaswa kujenga misingi ya kuzuia taasisi nyingine kufutwa baadaye zinapoonekana kwenda kinyume na matakwa ya watawala. Ni wakati sasa wa kuitaka serikali kufuta vifungu vya sheria vilivyoelezwa na mahakama. Serikali kuilipa BAWATA milioni 20/-(Aprili 2009) na Happiness Katabazi MAHAKAMA Kuu Kanda ya Dar es Salaam, imeiamuru Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania kulipa fidia ya sh milioni 20 Baraza la Wanawake Tanzania (BAWATA). Hukumu hiyo ilitolewa juzi na jopo la majaji watatu wa mahakama hiyo, Amir Manento (amestaafu), Jaji Laurian Kalegeya (Mahakama ya Rufani sasa) na Jaji Justus Mlay na kusomwa kwa niada yao na Msajili wa Mahakama Kuu Kanda ya Dar es Salaam, Saul Kinemela. Jaji Manento alisema Serikali inapaswa kuilipa BAWATA kiasi hicho cha fedha kwa sababu amri yake ya kuzuia shughuli za baraza hilo, ilivunja katiba ya nchini. Sambamba na hilo, mahakama hiyo imesema vifungu 2(2), 6, 9(a)(b)(iii), 12 na 13(2) vya Sheria ya Asasi za Kijamii ambavyo sasa vinasomeka kifungu cha 2(2),814,17 na 19(2) kama ilivyofanyiwa marekebisho mwaka 2002, vinavunja ibara ya 15(1), 18 na 20 ya Katiba ya Nchi, hivyo imeitaka serikali kuvifanyia marekebisho ndani ya mwaka mmoja kuanzia jana. Jaji Manento alisema jopo hilo limefikia uamuzi huo baada ya serikali kusimamisha shughuli za BAWATA ili taasisi hiyo isifanye shughuli zake; uamuzi uliotolewa Septemba 17 mwaka 1996 na aliyekuwa Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani, F. Mushy kwamba Baraza hilo lisifanye shughuli zake. Uamuzi huo ulikuwa batili kwa sababu ulivunja Katiba ya nchini. Walalamikaji katika kesi hiyo ya kikatiba namba 27/1997, ni BAWATA, Profesa Anna Tibaijuka, Sherbanu Kabisa, Rose Mushi, Mary Marealle na Salma Kauli, ambao walikuwa wakitetewa na Profesa Issa Shivji dhidi ya Msajili wa Asasi za Kijamii, Waziri wa Mambo ya Ndani, Ali Ameir Mohamed na Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali. “Katiba ya nchi ni sheria mama na endapo kuna sheria yoyote nchini inakinzana na katiba, sheria hiyo ni batili, hivyo uamuzi wa serikali wa kusimamisha shughuli za BAWATA ulikuwa batili. “Kwa kuwa jopo hili limeutangaza uamuzi huo ni batili, na kwa kuwa BAWATA ilisajiliwa kwa misingi ya kufuata sheria, tunaiamuru serikali iwalipe walalamikaji sh milioni 20, ikiwa ni usumbufu na gharama za uendeshaji kesi, kwani kwa kipindi chote hicho asasi hiyo ilikuwa imesimama kufanya shughuli zake,” alisema Jaji Manento. Aidha Jaji Manento alisema mahakama hiyo imetamka kuwa vifungu 2(2), 6, 9(a)(b)(iii), 12 na 13(2) vya Sheria ya Asasi za Kijamii ambavyo sasa vinasomeka kifungu cha 2(2),814,17 na 19(2) kama ilivyofanyiwa marekebisho mwaka 2002, vinavunja ibara ya 13(6), 18 na 20 ya katiba ya nchi, hivyo imeitaka serikali kuvifanyia marekebisho ndani ya mwaka mmoja tangu kutolewa kwa hukumu hiyo. Hata hivyo, alisema upande wa serikali katika kesi hiyo umeshindwa kuthibitisha madai yake kwamba BAWATA ilikuwa ikiendeshwa kama chama cha siasa. Kwa mujibu wa hati ya madai, inaonyesha aliyekuwa Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani, Mushy, Septemba 17 mwaka 1996, aliamuru kusimamishwa kwa shughuli za baraza hilo kwa madai kuwa lilikuwa likiendeshwa kama chama cha siasa, katiba yake haikupitishwa na mkutano wa wanawake wote/mkutano mkuu wa wanawake uliopitisha azimio la kuiunda na kwamba badala ya kuandaa na kuongoza wanawake kijamii na kiuchumi, lilikuwa linajiingiza kwenye siasa. Mushy aliagiza BAWATA kuendelea kufungiwa hadi baada ya kuitisha mkutano mkuu na kuchagua viongozi wake, katiba ya baraza kupitishwa na wanawake wote na mfumo wake uwe umebadilishwa kutoka ule unaofanana na chama cha siasa na kuwa wa uratibu wa vikundi vya wanawake kwa ajili ya maendeleo, na kwamba mfumo usifanane na ule wa ngazi za utawala. Hata hivyo, Mwenyekiti wa Baraza hilo, Profesa Tibaijuka, alieleza tayari walishachaguliwa kwa mujibu wa katika na kwamba BAWATA si chama cha siasa. BAWATA ilisajiliwa Mei 16, mwaka 1995 na kupewa hati Na. SO 8404 chini ya Sheria ya Asasi ya Jamii ya mwaka 2002. Serikali yatetea kufutwa kwa ‘National Youth Forum’ (April 2007) JIMBO LA KIGOMA KASKAZINI na Mwandishi Wetu SERIKALI imesema kuwa uamuzi wa kufutwa kwa National Youth Forum ulikuwa sahihi kwa kuwa walishindwa kujidhibitisha. Hayo yamesemwa na Naibu Waziri wa Kazi, Ajira na Maendeleo ya Vijana, Dk. Emmanuel Nchimbi, wakati akijibu swali la Mbunge wa Kigoma Kaskazini (CHADEMA), Zitto Kabwe. Katika swali lake la msingi Kabwe alitaka kujua sababu za serikali kuamua kuifuta asasi ya National Youth Forum na lini serikali itaacha kuzifuta asasi kama hizo na kwamba serikali haioni kuwa ufutaji wa asasi hizo ni ukiukwaji wa demokrasia. Akijibu maswali hayo Nchimbi alisema muungano wa wadhamini wa National Youth Forum ulifutwa kwa kuwa ulishindwa kuthibitisha taswira waliyojiwasilisha nayo kwa umma kuwa wao ni taasisi ya vijana ya taifa. Amesema msimamizi mkuu wa wadhamini baada ya kugundua kasoro hiyo inayodaiwa kuwa ni ya msingi, alitumia mamlaka yake chini ya sheria ya muungano wa wadhamini na kuifuta taasisi hiyo. Ameongeza kuwa serikali haina nia ya kukiuka misingi ya demokrasia ya uhuru wa kujiunga, ila inasisitiza uundaji wa asasi hizo ni muhimu zikaambatana na wajibu wa asasi husika na hasa kwa kuzingatia sheria, kanuni na taratibu zinazounda asasi husika. Hata hivyo, amesema serikali inatambua umuhimu na mchango unaotolewa na asasi zisizo za kiserikali na hasa zinapofuata na kuzingatia sheria. • Email to a friendArticle SearchRelated Mzee Wilbar Smith asema Afrika inarudi ilikotoka-kabla ya wazungu kuja! Wilbur Smith ni mmoja wa waandishi maarufu duniani. Mpaka leo hii alikuwa ameandika vitabu 31 maarufu kama vile When the Lion Feeds, The River God na The Triumph of the Sun, ambacho kimetafsiriwa katika lugha 26. Vitabu vyote hivi vina mandhari ya bara la Afrika na mzee huyu ambae alizaliwa Zambia miaka 33 iliopita anapenda kuandika kuhusu bara hilo kuzingatia kwamba amewahi kuwa mshauri wa masuala ya kodi katika serikali ya Zambia. Leo jioni hii mzee Smith amezindua kitabu kipya pale Waterstones, duka maarufu la vitabu lililopo sehemu iitwayo Piccadilly mjini London.Mimi nikiwa mmoja wa wapenzi wa vitabu nilipata nafasi ya kwenda kuona kitabu ambacho kinaitwa Assegai. Tafsiri sahihi ya assegai ni mkuki na kitabu hiki kinahusu enzi zile za ukoloni ambapo askari wa zamani Leon Courtney ambae amekuwa muwindaji anaingia urafiki na mfanyabiashara tajiri kutoka Ujerumani bwana Count Otto Von Meerbach ambae ana kiwanda cha kutengeneza magari na ndege. Lakini baadae baba mkubwa wa Leon anaeitwa Penrod Ballantyne ambae ni kamanda wa jeshi la Afrika Mashariki anamshauri Leon kumpeleleza Count Otto Von Meerbach na kumpelekea habari. Badala yake Leon anampenda mke wa Count Otto Von Meerbach aitwae Eva Von Wellberg. Kabla ya vita kuu ya kwanza ya dunia Leon anashauriwa na Count Von Meerbach kuandaa uasi dhidi ya jeshi la Uingereza la Afrika Mashariki kutoka kwa upande wa Ujerumani kwa kuwashirikisha wanajeshi wa zamani wa makaburu walioshiriki vita maarufu kama "Boer War" nchini Afrika Kusini. Leon baadae anaachwa kwenye mataa na tena anamwona Eva Von Wellberg akirudi Afrika na mtu mwingine na Leon anatafuta kujua ukweli kuhusu bibie Eva Von Wellberg kwamba ni nani na amejificha nyuma na sanamu kwa minajili gani. Sasa mzee Smith akanishanga kidogo kwa kauli yake kuhusu afrika pale alipokuwa akijibu baadhi ya maswali na moja ya maswali hayo lilikuwa swali kwamba je yeye ana imani na bara hili ambalo yeye amekua na kuishi humo? Mzee huyu akajibu kwamba Ulaya Magharibi inavyolichukulia bara la Afrika si vile Waafrika wenyewe wanavyolichukulia bara lao kwa maana ya kuwa bara lenye neema na mambo yote mazuri na kwamba waafrika wanafaidi matunda ya kuwa na bara hilo. Akaendelea kwa kusema kwamba, waafrika wataendela kulishughulikia bara lao kuelekea mwisho wake na kulirudisha bara hilo kule lilikotoka yaani kabla ya wazungu hawajatia mguu barani humo kwa maana kwamba kutakuwa na mifumo ya ukabila zaidi, udikteta zaidi kuliko mifumo ya kidemokrasia na akamalizia kwa kusema kwamba hio ndo hali ambayo waafrika wanaridhika nayo. Ninasikitika sana, kwa sababu nikiangalia habari zote zihusuzo ufisadi, rushwa na midubwana mingine nikabakia natafuta majibu. Kwa wale walioko Marekani na Canada kitabu hicho kitachapishwa tarehe 12 April, Norway tarehe 20 May,Denmark tarehe 25 June, na Netherlands tarehe30 July 2009. • Email to a friendArticle SearchRelated Kenya To Bid To Host 2016 Africa Nations Cup Wakati sisi tukiendelea sisi tukiendela kubishana habari za kina Boban/Maksimo watani wetu wa jadi wanaomba kuandaa kombe la mataifa ya Africa 2016 According to secretary general of Football Kenya (FK) Limited, Sammy Obingo, the East African nation will put in a bid to stage Africa's biggest football competition for the first time. "We are discussing with the Kenya Government on the hosting of 2016 Nations Cup," announced Obingo. In 1996, Kenya was slated to host the biennial tournament only to withdraw at the last minute, citing poor finances. South Africa then replaced the Kenyans as host. However, Obingo said he is very optimistic that Kenya will win the right to host the 16-team competition because the country has been able to generate great financial support from sponsors that will support such a competition now. Angola will host the 2010 Nations Cup while Equatorial Guinea and Gabon play host to the 2012 edition. Libya will then stage the tournament for the second time in 2014 • Email to a friendArticle SearchRelated 8 Vacant Posts for ICT, Meteorology, and Water Experts - SADC EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FU RE: SADC EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND: REGIONAL INDICATIVE PROGRAMME Sub: Vacant Position for ICT, Meteorology, and Water Experts in Africa GOPA Worldwide Consultant has been shortlisted for EU-funded project and is in the final stages for the Regional Indicative Programme study in SADC countries. Currently is recruiting experts for the subject above. So far almost all positions are filled. However, there are in total 8 positions to be staffed and the ones of the Water, ICT, and Meteorology Experts are still vacant. In this regard I would encourage whoever in Africa possesses the qualification we looking for apply for this very paying job. Candidates should definitely have regional experience in several SADC countries with the planning and implementation of infrastructure projects/strategies. This includes physical infrastructure (water supply networks, water treatment facilities, etc. / ICT networks, etc. / weather stations, etc.) as well as institutional and regulative aspects. The general idea is to integrate national sector plans into an overall mid-/long-term strategy in order to achieve the most appropriate investments to achieve improved regional networks. DRC, Angola and Madagascar should be focused. Each position requires an input of 55 working days (11 calendar weeks) split into 2-3 missions over a total project period of 9 months starting in 08/2009 (planned). The major input will probably have to be provided in September/October 2009. The profiles are as follows: Qualifications and skills  University degree in relevant sector  At least 15 years of overall professional experience General professional experience  10 years of relevant professional experience  Fluent in English  Working knowledge of basic computer software Specific professional experience  Extensive experience in relevant sector  Experience in project analysis and development  Working experience in African and/or other developing countries, preferably in the Southern African region  Experience in international cooperation programmes, preferably EDF funded  Good report writing skills Interested candidates who meet the above criteria please contact me for guidance on how to apply these positions via my mobile +44 7551 479 114. I will provide a detailed terms of reference to interested eligible candidates too. However, if you will not need prior information on how you can apply just forward your CV and specify their financial expectations (€/working day) to the addresses below: Moritz KEIM Project Coordinator Infrastructure Development Department Phone: +49 (0) 6172 930 563 Fax: +49 (0) 6172 930 550 Mail: Regards Bm21 +44 7551 479 114 • Email to a friendArticle SearchRelated RE: 8 Vacant Posts for ICT, Meteorology, and Water Experts - SADC EUROPEAN DEVELOPMEN RE: 8 Vacant Posts for ICT, Meteorology, and Water Experts - SADC EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND RE: SADC EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND: REGIONAL INDICATIVE PROGRAMME Sub: Vacant Position for ICT, Meteorology, and Water Experts in Africa GOPA Worldwide Consultant has been shortlisted for EU-funded project and is in the final stages for the Regional Indicative Programme study in SADC countries. Currently is recruiting experts for the subject above. So far almost all positions are filled. However, there are in total 8 positions to be staffed and the ones of the Water, ICT, and Meteorology Experts are still vacant. In this regard I would encourage whoever in Africa possesses the qualification we looking for apply for this very paying job. Candidates should definitely have regional experience in several SADC countries with the planning and implementation of infrastructure projects/strategies. This includes physical infrastructure (water supply networks, water treatment facilities, etc. / ICT networks, etc. / weather stations, etc.) as well as institutional and regulative aspects. The general idea is to integrate national sector plans into an overall mid-/long-term strategy in order to achieve the most appropriate investments to achieve improved regional networks. DRC, Angola and Madagascar should be focused. Each position requires an input of 55 working days (11 calendar weeks) split into 2-3 missions over a total project period of 9 months starting in 08/2009 (planned). The major input will probably have to be provided in September/October 2009. The profiles are as follows: Qualifications and skills  University degree in relevant sector  At least 15 years of overall professional experience General professional experience  10 years of relevant professional experience  Fluent in English  Working knowledge of basic computer software Specific professional experience  Extensive experience in relevant sector  Experience in project analysis and development  Working experience in African and/or other developing countries, preferably in the Southern African region  Experience in international cooperation programmes, preferably EDF funded  Good report writing skills Interested candidates who meet the above criteria please contact me for guidance on how to apply these positions via my mobile +44 7551 479 114. I will provide a detailed terms of reference to interested eligible candidates too. However, if you will not need prior information on how you can apply just forward your CV and specify their financial expectations (€/working day) to the addresses below: Moritz KEIM Project Coordinator Infrastructure Development Department Phone: +49 (0) 6172 930 563 Fax: +49 (0) 6172 930 550 Mail: Regards