Feb 28, 2011
Mambo ya Nyama Choma Umasaini
Nyama ya Ng'ombe ambayo imechomwa na kuhifabdhiwa juu ya mti kusubiri walaji.
walaji tulifika na kabla ya kupiga picha nilikatiwa mbavu nikajichana.
Ulaji qwa nyama kwa Morani wa Kimaasai ni wa kijamaa, watu huzunguka duara na mwenye nyama hukaa kati kati kisha kumkabidhi mkubwa katika kundi hilo na kukata kata kwa wote.
Hapa ndo nyama inakatwa katwa na kila mtu anapata kipande hadi nyama inakwisha.
Hapa tulisha shiba nyama na kupiga picha ya pamoja na vijana wa kimasaai kutoka kijiji cha Mabwegere, Wilayani Kilosa mkoani Morogoro.
Na Frederick Siwale , Makambako Iringa.
SERIKALI Wilayani Njombe imetoa tahadhari kwa wananchi kuhusu ulipuaji wa mabomu ambao utafanywa na askari wa Jeshi la wananchi Tanzania kikosi cha KJ 514 unaotarajia kuanza leo na kumalizika machi tano mwaka huu.
Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Njombe Bi. Sarah Dumba amesema,hayo wakati akizungumza na wananchi katika mkutano wa hadhara uliofanyika mjini makambako akiwatahadharisha kuhusu zoezi la uliopuiaji wa mabomu katika kikosi hicho utafanyika katika kijiji cha Katenge, na kwamba zoezi hilo ni la kawaida ambalo linafanywa kwa usalama na utaalamu wakijeshi.
Bi. Dumba amesema, taarifa za ulipuaji mabomu zilitolewa na viongozi wa JWTZ ilitolewa kwa lengo la kuwatoa hofu wananchi hususani katika kipindi hiki ambacho wananchi wapo katika cha mshtuko kutokana na tukio la hivi karibuni ambapo milipuko ya mabopmu ilisababisha vifo vya watu na uharibifu wa mali huko Gongo la Mboto Jijii Dar es salaamu.
Amesema wananchi wanapaswa kuhakikisha katika siku hizo ambazo zimtangazwa kutofanya shughuli zozote katyika maeneo ya poli ambalo linakaribiana na eneo ambalo limetengwa kwaajili ya ulipuaji mabomu.
Amesema mabomu hayo ni ya milipuko mikubwa na midogo kwa hiyo wananchi wachukue tahadhari kuepukana na athari ambazo zinaweza kujitokeza kwa wananchi na mifugo yao, ambapo hawqatakiwi kuendesaha shughuli zozote kwa siku hizo tano.
Taarifa za kuwepo kwa ulipuaji mabomu katika kikosi cha cha JWTZ Makambako zilisababisha hofu katika jamii ambapo tayari wananchi walishaanza kupata woga na wengi wao hawakuwa na taarifa zozote kutoka serikalini hadi pale serikali ilipotangaza rasmi kwa kutumia mabango na mikutano ya hadahara, misikitini na makanisani pamoja na shuleni na katika maeneo mbalimbali.
SERIKALI Wilayani Njombe imetoa tahadhari kwa wananchi kuhusu ulipuaji wa mabomu ambao utafanywa na askari wa Jeshi la wananchi Tanzania kikosi cha KJ 514 unaotarajia kuanza leo na kumalizika machi tano mwaka huu.
Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Njombe Bi. Sarah Dumba amesema,hayo wakati akizungumza na wananchi katika mkutano wa hadhara uliofanyika mjini makambako akiwatahadharisha kuhusu zoezi la uliopuiaji wa mabomu katika kikosi hicho utafanyika katika kijiji cha Katenge, na kwamba zoezi hilo ni la kawaida ambalo linafanywa kwa usalama na utaalamu wakijeshi.
Bi. Dumba amesema, taarifa za ulipuaji mabomu zilitolewa na viongozi wa JWTZ ilitolewa kwa lengo la kuwatoa hofu wananchi hususani katika kipindi hiki ambacho wananchi wapo katika cha mshtuko kutokana na tukio la hivi karibuni ambapo milipuko ya mabopmu ilisababisha vifo vya watu na uharibifu wa mali huko Gongo la Mboto Jijii Dar es salaamu.
Amesema wananchi wanapaswa kuhakikisha katika siku hizo ambazo zimtangazwa kutofanya shughuli zozote katyika maeneo ya poli ambalo linakaribiana na eneo ambalo limetengwa kwaajili ya ulipuaji mabomu.
Amesema mabomu hayo ni ya milipuko mikubwa na midogo kwa hiyo wananchi wachukue tahadhari kuepukana na athari ambazo zinaweza kujitokeza kwa wananchi na mifugo yao, ambapo hawqatakiwi kuendesaha shughuli zozote kwa siku hizo tano.
Taarifa za kuwepo kwa ulipuaji mabomu katika kikosi cha cha JWTZ Makambako zilisababisha hofu katika jamii ambapo tayari wananchi walishaanza kupata woga na wengi wao hawakuwa na taarifa zozote kutoka serikalini hadi pale serikali ilipotangaza rasmi kwa kutumia mabango na mikutano ya hadahara, misikitini na makanisani pamoja na shuleni na katika maeneo mbalimbali.
Rais Kikwete ateua makatibu wakuu wa wizara
Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mheshimiwa Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete amefanya uteuzi wa Makatibu Wakuu watano wapya na kuwahamisha wengine wanne kutoka wizara moja kwenda nyingine. Uteuzi na uhamisho huo unaanza mara moja.
Taarifa iliyotolewa leo, Jumatatu, Februari 28, 2011, mjini Dar Es Salaam na Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi Ndugu Phillemon L. Luhanjo inasema kuwa mabadiliko hayo yanatokana na Muundo mpya wa Serikali ambako Wizara ya Miundombinu imegawanywa katika wizara mbili, na baadhi ya Makatibu Wakuu kustaafu kazi kwa mujibu wa Sheria.
Kwa mujibu wa taarifa hiyo, Rais Kikwete amemteua Bw. Fanuel E. Mbonde kuwa Katibu Mkuu, Ofisi ya Rais, Ikulu. Kabla ya uteuzi wake Bw. Mbonde alikuwa Naibu Katibu Mkuu, Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu.
Wengine walioteuliwa ni B. Hussein A. Kattanga kuwa Katibu Mkuu, Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu, Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa; Bw. John M. Haule kuwa Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa; Bw. Herbert E. Mrango kuwa Katibu Mkuu, Wizara ya Ujenzi; na Bw. Eric K. Shitindi kuwa Katibu Mkuu, Wizara ya Kazi na Ajira.
Kabla ya uteuzi wake Bw. Kattanga alikuwa Naibu Katibu Mkuu, Wizara ya Maendeleo ya Jamii, Jinsia na Watoto; Bw. Haule alikuwa Naibu Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Fedha; Bw. Mrango alikuwa Naibu Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Ujenzi na Bw. Shittindi alikuwa Naibu Katibu Mkuu, Ofisi ya Rais, Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma.
Kuhusu uhamisho, Rais Kikwete amemhamisha Bw. Sazi B. Salula kutoka Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa kwenda kuwa Katibu Mkuu Ofisi ya Makamu wa Rais; Bibi Maimuna K. Tarishi kutoka Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu kwenda Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii; Injinia Omar A. Chambo kuwa Katibu Mkuu, Wizara ya Uchukuzi akitokea Ukatibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya zamani ya Miundombinu; na Bibi Kijakazi R. Mtengwa kuwa Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Maendeleo ya Jamii, Jinsia na Watoto.
Taarifa hiyo ya Ndugu Luhanjo imesema vile vile kuwa Dkt. Ladislaus C. Komba, aliyekuwa Katibu Mkuu, Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii anapangiwa kazi maalum katika Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa.
Aidha, taarifa hiyo imesema kuwa Rais Kikwete amemhamishia Bibi Elizabeth J Nyambibo Wizara ya Fedha na Uchumi ambako anachukua nafasi ya Naibu Katibu Mkuu iliyoachwa wazi na Bwana John H. Haule. Kabla ya uhamisho wake, Bibi Nyambibo alikuwa Naibu Katibu Mkuu, Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi.
Taarifa hiyo ya Ndugu Luhanjo imesema kuwa Makatibu Wakuu wapya wataapishwa saa tatu asubuhi kesho, Machi Mosi, 2011.
Imetolewa na:
Kurugenzi ya Mawasiliano ya Rais,
Dar es Salaam.
28 Februari, 2011
Sitta Azidi Kuwakuna Wasomi, *Wasema aliongoza bunge kwa maslahi ya taifa

Martin Luther King Jr Drum Major award to the Committee of Six

Meet Sue - the Kenyan prostitute building a brand
Meet Sue - the Kenyan prostitute building a brand: "
I just came across a blog supposedly written by Sue, a prostitute working on Koinange Street: Nairobi Nights. It has well-written and entertaining stories about a working girl in Nairobi. The stories are well written and quite entertaining.

When Sex is No Longer Sin |
'My name is Sue. I practice along Koinange Street, Nairobi. These are thoughts, observations and experiences from my prostitution world. Nothing of the soft, sympathy seeking topsy turvy kind. But straight talk, hard facts and real anecdotes. They are worth something.'The sexy 'girl' has already written 10 episodes so far, including blog posts with exciting titles such as 'The Spiritual Role Of A Prostitute', 'When Sex Is No Longer Sin', 'Let The Pee Flow', 'Why Should I Not Open My Legs?' and 'I can't Feel Your Thing'. In her latest post, she refers to one of her teachers in high school who came up with an interesting metaphor, comparing a girl to a tin of cocoa:
'A female teacher in the mixed boarding school that I attended used to compare us girls to a tin of cocoa; you remember the one which had a foil inside. 'The first time you let a man touch your breasts or private parts, then you have opened the lid. The moment you lose your virginity, the foil is gone. After that, every time you have sex, the cocoa gets depleted. If you are not careful the rightful owner will find there is nothing left for him'. At the face of it, it was a polite way to dissuade us from adolescence sex, but a little deeper it implied we girls didn't really belong to ourselves but to some man somewhere, who was supposed to have all the cocoa. Our role in society it seemed was to prepare for this man.'And in another recent post, Sue writes:
'Our value decreases as your experience increases. Quoting five years experience is a turn off. Many a girl gets to prostitution telling themselves they wont do it for more than a few months, maybe six, save some money, start a business , hit it big in some way or get a 'proper' job. But a year goes and another still on the street. The optimal experience is about a year; when one is no longer surprised by the antics of men and all the inhibitions are gone. After a year there is a plateau and then the downward curve starts.'What do you think of this new Kenyan blog? Is it written by a 'ghost writer'? Is it polluting our blogging landscape? Or is it a nice addition to the scene?
Use Ultimate Dating Secrets For Men
Dating Advice for Men Lesson 1
Appearance - Clothes and shoes
A women appreciates a man who looks good or at least tries to. Women
take great care and effort of what they wear for different occasions
and also take note of guys who do the same. Clothes is THE difference
between dashing and ordinary. In addition, women do take note of
shoes. It explains why they have a whole shoe rack full of shoes.
Therefore, choose your shoes wisely too. Although different women have
different taste in choice of clothes for men, it is generally
acceptable to look neat and tidy. Here are some ways to achieve it.
1. Dressed Suitably
Formal wear are for formal occasions such as dinner in restaurants.
T-shirts and jeans are for simple date at the mall. Shorts and
singlets are for jogging in your nearby park and so on. You get the
2. Iron your clothes
Its not a very good image to portray if your clothes are crumpled and
you go out on a date. A woman will think that you are lazy and do not
place any importance on the date.
3. Do NOT wear clothes with vulgarities, sexually suggestive images or words
We know that these clothes might be your favorite as it is very cheeky
or portrays your style that you do not give a damn what's happening
around. However, its a definite no no for dates as its rude,
insensitive and too explicit for any potential girlfriends/wives to
take it.
4. Go for well known , respected brands
We do not want you to show off. However, it is always nice to wear
something that lets you get noticed by your date. If branded stuff is
not your thing, at least get a simple respected brand that do not
portray you as a cheapskate.
5. Ask another women for opinion
Lets face it. Man are pretty hopeless at fashion. That's why we hate
shopping.(The clothes look the same anyway) To understand what is
appropriate, what is nice on you, it is always good to get a female's
opinion. After all, your date is another female and it is your date
that is going to judge you on your date.
Dating Advice for Men Lesson2
Appearance - General
Not every man is born tall dark and handsome. In fact most are not.
However, by looking presentable, every man can still capture the
attention of their date. Here are some tips to look nice and
1. Shave before going out
No women will like the look of a rough beard or moustache sticking out
from your face. Although there are the odd few who finds it sexy,
chances are its better to look clean shaven and tidy. It gives a
better positive image of a person who cares about the date and who
takes care of oneself.
2. Bathe often
It not our fault that men have larger sweat glands neither is it our
fault that men enjoy sports that makes us soak in sweat. However, it
could be our fault if we do not shower frequently. Every woman likes
his man to smell nice and look clean. So if you're the type that sweat
easily, be prepared to shower more, especially before meeting your
3. Get your cologne, aftershave out
Cologne and aftershaves are not for Gays. In fact, women find men who
smell nice masculine. Just like bathing often, its also important to
smell nice. After all, you do not want to spoil your first kiss with
your date just because you smell awful.
4. Smile often
A smile helps to lessen the tension, projects a lively and positive
image and best of all, a person always looks the best when you're
smiling. We should always be smiling as we never know who is in love
with your smile. Therefore practice smiling now if you are going out
on a date soon!
5. Do not slouch
Slouching gives a bad impression of a person that is not confident,
weak and no sense of security. Therefore, do what your mum always tell
you. Stand straight and be proud of your height.
Dating Advice for Men Lesson 3
Confidence and Success
A confident man is a good looking man. Brad pitt can wear a skirt and
yet look macho. However, confidence stems from success. Success in
doing whatever you do impresses girls. Woman love a man who knows what
they want and what they have done. The more difficult it is to achieve
the success, the more impressed the girl. Here are some tips to show
your confidence and success.
1. Know your goals
Women loves a man with direction. It gives them a sense of security.
Even if you do not have much success in your goals, knowing your goals
and letting her know that is the sign of a man who is clear and far
sighted. Therefore, if you do not have goals up till now, its time to
start thinking.
2. Be yourself
Everybody should be proud of themselves. It says a lot about your
confidence. If you're a goofy character, just be one in front of her
instead of trying to be somebody else. A women will love you for what
your are and not what you try to be.
3. Take Risks, Break rules
Everybody admires risk taker. This includes women. A risk taker is
seen as brave and charming as they are doing stuff ordinary people
dare not do. This includes breaking conventional rules. It explains
why bad boys often attract the best lookers out there.
4. Be knowledgeable
A knowledgeable man is seen as a confident man. A man who speaks
wisdom with his every word is deem more successful then a man who
craps a lot. So start ordering your newspapers and newsweek magazines
now if you have not done so.
Dating Advice for Men Lesson 4
There's a proper way to behave in front of ladies. It is never nice to
let women see the rough side of you especially on your first date.
Behavior shows your character and whether your relationship can carry
on. It is a further step forward after first impressions.
1. Do be chivalrous
Its the 21st century. No doubt that men and women have equal rights.
However, there's nothing wrong to continue showing chivalry to women.
Opening doors, helping to carry shopping bags, sending her home are
all basic courtesy that is on the decline. However, women still loved
to be pampered and there's nothing wrong with that. Stick with the
ancient code of being a gentleman and you'll never be wrong.
2. Do treat women with respect
Do not ever make sexist or insensitive comments about women. Do not
swear and curse when at the waiters just because they give bad
service. Listen when your date talks and talk when she stops talking.
Treat her properly and chances are you'll leave a lasting impression.
3. Do maintain eye contact
Eye contact is very important to show that you're interested in
whatever she's talking. Its extremely disgusting if your date is
talking and you are distracted by the chick that just walked by.
However, its also important not to stare at her especially if you've
just met her as it gives the impression that you are a pervert that is
following her every action.
4. Don't get drunk in front of her
Being able to hold your liquor well equates to being strong in front
of your mates. However, it is directly the opposite with women. Women
hate drunkards as they are rowdy, noisy and totally obnoxious. They
are a complete turnoff. Therefore, if possible, drink less if you're
out on a date. Best of all, don't drink.
5. Don't get touchy too quickly
When you touch a woman, it breaks down their self defense and they
will only allow this when they feel totally at ease and attracted to
you. Therefore, unless she touches you or you feel totally at ease
with her and that she's attracted to you. Do not touch her too quickly
as she might think you only want sex
Dating Advice for Men Lesson 5
Conversation - what to say and take note
Its always important to say the right things and things that will
impress. Its also tremendously important not to say stupid things
which may offend your date. You also do not want to bore your date by
talking about things she totally cannot relate to. These are some
things that you can mention or should take note while striking a
1. Be open minded
Do not show extremism towards subjects that your date talks about. It
might just be something that she cares a lot about. Do not make any
crude remarks on anything she says for the same reason. You do not
want to leave a bad impression so fast.
2. Talk about common topics
Its a very common tip but its one of the most difficult to master. Man
will naturally like to talk about themselves and their interests.
However, there's no harm in talking about something in which your date
has a huge passion for and you find it boring. There is also no harm
talking about hot topics that she might be interested in. If you
really are clueless about what to talk to her about, do some research
beforehand on what to say. Her friends and appearance are good
resources to start from.
3. Compliment and talk about her dressing
As mentioned in Lesson #1, women take great care of their dressing and
man should therefore take notice of what women wear and compliment
them. However, compliment her casually as you do not want her to think
that you're totally captivated by her. You can follow up on her
dressing by asking where she bought it and how much it cost. It helps
her to feel important.
4. Joke
The sure way to succeed is always humor as women relates witty guys to
not boring. No women likes boring guys no matter how good the
impression he makes. Jokes can liven the atmosphere and creates a good
impression for you.
5. Don't talk about sports, politics or other male gender dominated
topics unless she is interested in them too
Men love their sports. Sports competitiveness brings out the
excitement and happiness of men. However, most women know nuts about
sports. Its no use telling your date about Michael Jordon's glorious
history when she is more interested in the cute boyish basketballer on
the court. Therefore, unless you want to talk about how cute that
basketballer is, steer clear of sports. The same rule applies for
other male gender dominated topics.
6. Lastly, Listen
Its no coincidence that women talks much more then men per day. Women
love to talk and let their opinions be known. Therefore, its important
to listen and appreciate what she says instead of talking all the
time. It makes your date feels important.
by H.Bangambiki
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Jinsi ya Kufurahisha mwanamke Katika SINEMA LA USIKU
WATU wengi (hasa baadhi ya wanaume) ama hawajui au hawajali ni kitu gani wenza/mwenza wake anataka kufanyiwa au akifanyiwa kitamsisimua (Turn on) hata kama amechoka sana.
Uchunguzi unaonyesha kuwa Wanaume wengi hasa kutoka nchi za Kiafrika hujali zaidi kumaliza hamu zao za mwili na kamwe hawajali kama wenza/Mwenza wake yuko tayari au la!.
Mf: Inasemekama baadhi ya Wanaume wa Kiafrika ambao ni wakubwa kiumri (wa zamani), au wale ambao wanathamini sana jadi zao asilia ndani ya Afrika, kitu cha kwanza watakacho kuambia mkiwa chumbani ni "njoo hapa" au "vua nguo basi" na kisha utavamiwa kabla hata wewe mwenyewe hujawa tayari na unalazwa chini kama sio unawekewa uume mbele ya uso wako.......halafu watu mnashangaa kuambiwa "mume wangu alinibaka".
Mfano huo unaonyesha ni kwa jinsi gani baadhi ya wanaume wanavyojipendelea(wabinafsi), na mara zote huweka akilini mwao kuwa wanawake/mwanamke ni chombo cha kumridhisha / kumstarehesha/ kumfurahisha na kumliwaza yeye 'mwanaume'.
Napenda kusema kuwa mwanamke kama mwanadamu pia anahaki ya kuridhishwa, kustareheshwa, kufurahishwa na kuliwazwa pia.
Dhana hiyo potofu imepelekea baadhi ya makabila kuendeleza mila za kuwakusanya wasichana ktk umri wa kuvunja ungo (mwali) na kuwafundisha jinsi ya kuwaridhisha mwanaume kimapenzi ' hao wana bahati'.
Lakini kwa wale ambao hawafuati/hawana/hawazijui mila hizo wamekuwa wakifuatilia kwa makini na kuamini kila kinachoonyeshwa kwenye 'Video' ailimradi tu kiwe kinahusu jinsi ya kumridhisha mwanaume kimapenzi.
Inasikitisha sana kuona pia baadhi hufuatilia hatua kwa hatua kila kinachoandikwa kwenye Magazeti na baadhi yao huamua kutafuta 'Kungwi' na kulipishwa ili wapatiwe ujuzi wa kufanya mapenzi ili kuwaridhisha wapenzi wao.
Ninavyofahamu mimi ni kuwa , ujuzi, utundu katika kufanya mapenzi haufundishwi hata kidogo ila ni
-ubunifu wako,
-kuujua mwili wako na wa mpenzi wako,
-ufurahiaji wa mwili wako,
-kujiamini kwako,
-uwazi na ushirikiano wa mpenzi wako.
Ni vema jadi ikabadilishwa na swala zima la kufundishwa/fundwa liwe kwa jinsia zote mbili. Wake kwa waume wafundishe jinsi ya kuridhishana, jinsi ya kufurahia na yale mambo muhimu ya mahusiano ya kimapenzi iwe ni ndoa au mahusiano ya kudumu nje ya ndoa.
Pia ni vizuri utambue kuwa unapoamua kufanya tendo la Ndoa au Ngono ni vyema ukajua mahitaji ya mwenzio iwe mwanaume/mwanamke, jaribu kufamnyia Mwenza wako kitu/vitu tofauti na alivyokuwa akitarajia/alivyozoea ni vizuri zaidi na kutamfanya aendelee kuwa na hamu ya kuwa na wewe kwa muda mrefu 'usipigwe kibuti' kwa vile unamjulia.....yaani unajua vipele vilipo na unavikuna vilivyo.
MKE wa Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi Mama Mwanamwema Shein akizinduwa Kisanduku cha Wanavikundi cha Kufuli Tatu, akifunguwa kofuli wakati wa uzinduzi wa mgao wa Fedha kwa Vikundi hivyo uliofanyika katika viwanja vya skuli ya Msingi Fujoni na kulia Mke wa Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Tanzania Mama Asha Seif Iddi
MKE wa Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi Mama Mwanamwema Shein akimkabidhi Mgao Mwanakikundi cha Maendeleo Halima Simai. katika sherehe za uzinduzi wa Mgao wa Wanavikundi uliofanyika katika viwanja vya skuli ya msingi Fujoni.
Baadhi ya akinamama waliohudhuria katika hafla ya uzinduzi wakishuhudia.
MRATIBU Mradi wa Jumuiya ya ZAYEDESA Mgoli Lucian akitowa maelezo kwa Wanajamii wa Kijiji cha Paje katika mkutano wa kuelimisha madhara ya dawa za kulevya na maambukizo ya Ukimwi kwa Vijana yaliofanyika katika kijiji cha Paje na kushirikiana na ICAP NA CDC.

Baraza la Taifa la Mitihani nchini Kenya leo linatangaza matokeo ya mitihani ya mwaka jana ya kumaliza elimu ya sekondari (KCSE). Matokeo hayo yanatangazwa na Waziri wa Elimu Sam Ongeri katika Taasisi ya Elimu nchini humo.
Jumla ya wanafunzi 357,488 waliofanya mitihani hiyo wanatarajia kujua hatma yao, iwapo wamefanikiwa kuendelea na Vyuo Vikuu, vyuo vya kawaida au wanalazimika kurudia mitihani ili wapate alama zinazohitajika.
Hata hivyo Wizara ya Elimu imesema mabadiliko makubwa yanatarajiwa katika mfumo wa elimu nchini humo ifikapo mwezi Julai, wakati ambapo kikosi kazi juu ya mpangilio katika sekta ya elimu kwa mujibu wa katiba mpya kitakapomaliza kazi yake.
A Dream of the Perfect Partner
by: George Lockett
Understand the heart when thinking of loving one’s perfect partner.
Your dream is so beautiful and it is never to late to happen. What I would say is keep your dream close to your heart and visualise fully what it would feel like for your dream to come true and your perfect partner stepped into your life. Spend a little time now just going back to your dream remember the rose petals and smell their essence in the air. Hear the waves crashing on the beach and feel the sea air on your face.
Visualise your dream partner see how close to your perfect person they are. Imagine the feeling of holding them in your arms, see their beautiful cloths and smell them. Feel your heart swell with love for each other. Use your powers of visualisation to see them in your minds eye.
Know that they already exist in this world and are thinking of you in the same way at this moment in time. Feel the warmth of their thoughts surrounding you and embracing you. They are only ever a thought away from you. You’re both telephonically linked and will be drawn together.
Be patient, know that when the time is right it will happen in the perfect moment and be even more perfect than you have already imagined. See the hidden hand of nature working in your life. All the trials and tribulations you have experience have all been necessary. All the pain you have suffered has been put there to temper you, to give you the opposite of who you really are, so that you can have a clear vision of yourself in your magnificence.
Just take a deep breath, and breathe yourself in, connect to your higher planes and dance with the angels. Know that god has only brought you angels, so that you can know yourself in this moment of Now.
It is time to let your story go, it is time to be fully present in the now moment and to love yourself fully and connect to your magnificence. Breathe in your partner feel their essence feel your love flowing to them and theirs returning to you.
Know that this experience is real in this moment. You are truly blessed because you have realised that your happiness is not dependent on anyone else. It is all happening within you, yet it is even more real than life itself.
Know that the process of creation is thought, word and deed. Your dream is the finest state of thought, blended with your imagination and passion; creates a tremendous power and sets the universe in motion to bring that vision to you in your reality.
The synchrony of life is such that while your dream is burning in your heart. Your true soul mate is being drawn to you even as you read this. Feel them coming closer; in every second know that you are together already, there is no separation your hearts are joined in a bond of love, that can never be broken.
Feng Shui and Romance
by: Heidi Richards
Using the Ancient Art to Enhance Your Romantic Space
“If your love life needs a quick boost, you can use the art of placement to produce the romantic results you desire.” Heidi Richards
Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is the ancient Asian practice of object arrangement and space planning designed to bring balance, harmony and well-being to your environment. Its purpose is to enhance prosperity, creative, health and romance. Feng Shui fortifies a home with positive energy known as chi. The attainment of positive chi is both an art and a blessing to those who manifest that chi. The word “feng” means wind and “shui” means water, each one associated with a good harvest and ultimate good health or good fortune.
If your love life needs a quick boost, you can use the art of placement to produce the romantic results you desire. Relationships need the proper environment to grow. They need the balance of the five elements, too much or too little will find the romance wither. Here are some Feng Shui tips to enhance your romantic space:
The first thing you must do is remove clutter out of your romance area (generally this is the bedroom). That means you must remove trash, dirty ashtrays, dead plants and nothing should be stored under the bed. Dust and cobwebs on the fans, walls, light fixtures and ceilings should be cleaned away.
Enhance your space with romance colors, such as shades of pinks, reds and whites. Guys, this does not mean it has to be feminine. You can use maroon, grayish tones of pinks and whites to achieve the same results. The key is to not use any one color so much that it overpowers the others. Other good colors include browns, beiges, lavenders, yellows and deeper shades of those are appropriate.
If you keep flowers in the room (an excellent way to attract romance into your life), make sure they are always fresh. At the first sign of wilting, toss them out. Silk flowers are an okay alternative, provided they are free of dust. Absolutely no dried flowers as they signify death. Also, make sure the roses are de-thorned. Nothing prickly such as cactus, unless your goal is to break-up.
In Feng Shui a Relationship Alter positively stimulates a relationship. Designate a special place in your romance area in which to put items that will encourage a healthy, loving relationship. Things to include in your relationship altar can include a heart shaped pink crystal quartz, a pair of candles, mandarin ducks.
Use the Pairs Principle to encourage love. That means two candles, two nightstands, two lights on top, two potted plants, two pillows, two chairs, etc. The Chinese symbol for love is Mandarin ducks. They signify love, romance, fidelity, affection, and loyalty in love.
Your bed should be placed in the commanding position of the room. This is to permit the widest possible vision. The door or entry to the room should be easily seen from the bed. And the head of the bed should be against a wall or against a corner. If you have nightstands, make sure one is on either side (a pair) and that the bed is accessible on three sides to attract and keep a partner. The bed should not be placed under a window.
The bedroom is for sleep and intimacy. No one should come into your room without your invitation. There should be no distractions such as workout equipment, a television, things that would remind you of work.
It is good to hang pink (heart-shaped) crystals and wind chimes in a sunny window to attract good love energy (yang).
Pictures of you as a child, your children or other relatives should also be removed from the bedroom or romance area. This space should be reserved for couples and should only display pictures of the two of you.
Dim lights will give the room a warm, inviting feeling. No harsh fluorescents or high wattage lighting, here.
While this is by no means the ultimate guide to Feng Shui for Romance, it is a good start. These ten tips will give your relationship area the boost it deserves and your romance the fulfillment it requires. Altar your space and you will altar your love life. If you want to know more about the ancient art of Feng Shui, there are many excellent resources listed below.
Recommended reading:
Feng Shui for Love & Romance by Richard Webster
Feng Shui DOS & Taboos for Love by Ana Ma Wong
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Feng Shui: How to Apply the Secrets of Chinese Wisdom for Health, Wealth and Happiness by Lillian Too
Build a Better Life Using Feng Shui: A Workbook and Guide for Applying Feng Shui in Your Environment by Debra Michie
About the author: © 2004 - Heidi Richards is the author of The PMS Principles, Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business and 7 other books. She is also the Founder & CEO of the Women’s ECommerce Association, International www.WECAI.org (pronounced wee-kī) – an Internet organization that “Helps Women Do Business on the WEB.” She can be reached at www.HeidiRichards.com.