
Feb 23, 2011

World Bank Urges Reforms for Pro-Poor Growth in Tanzania

Press Release No:2011/341/AFR
WASHINGTON, February 22, 2011 - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today discussed Tanzania’s National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty – known by its Kiswahili acronym MKUKUTA II -- and a Joint IMF-World Bank Staff Advisory Note (JSAN).
Executive Directors expressed their support for MKUKUTA II and concurred with the recommendations of the JSAN, noting the importance of accelerating inclusive and sustained growth to reduce income poverty, especially in rural areas.
MKUKUTA II, which covers the period 2010/11-2014/15, focuses on three clusters: accelerating economic growth to reduce poverty; improving the quality of life and standard of living; and improving governance and accountability. It calls for a shift towards a greater role of the private sector in economic growth. It identifies “growth drivers,” such as agriculture, and outlines sectoral strategies to promote productivity and private sector activity in these areas. MKUKUTA II was developed through a broad-based consultation process led by the Government of Tanzania and involving many stakeholders.
