founder Chuck 'Jigsaw' Creekmur took a candid look at yesterday's State of The Union address and how Hip-Hop was involved, bringing light to the fact that Hip-Hop got a 'shout out' from Obama in the speech when Obama said 'We do big things', he also highlighted the fact that as a community, Hip-Hop had mixed feelings about Obama's speech some for it, some against, while some showed no interest at all. Chuck also digs deeper into the everyday problems of poverty, the need for financial literacy and entrepreneurship along with the ideal and growth of strong communities. His piece embodies the blue print for a generation full of questions and frustration to get engaged with the political process. Check out Chuck's full perspective on
Did you watch the State of the Union address and if so, what were your thoughts? How will you be apart of the process of change. We have to understand it's not just about your vote back in 2008, we have to take action in our own communities. ALLHIPHOP.COM is not only talking about it, but their taking action by solidifying a partnership with The League of Young Voters Education Fund to encourage youth and the Hip-Hop generation to get out and become more involved in the political and civic process. For more info on the partnership and how you can get involved go to
Chuck has also spear headed various campaigns through that get Hip-Hop artists more involved in the process by going into communities to give back and spark change. Chuck Creekmur is the founder of ALLHIPHOP.COM, a cultural critic, and public speaker. Check out an interview with him and Jesse Jackson on voting and running the marathon below.
Let's make a change!