Bird’s view of a section of the city of Dar es Salaam
If only I were a bird If only I could choose to be a bird I would have chosen to be a pigeon To help two souls communicate To send love messages to and fro
If only I were a bird If only I could choose to be a bird I would have chosen to be an eagle To be as powerful as an eagle To enable me travel to Libya To guide peaceful demonstrators to safety When Gaddafi’s jets head towards their direction
If only I were a bird If only I could choose to be a bird I would have chosen to be a sparrow To detect bombs that would go ablast in the near future And wake up people to run to safety Children, women, old and the disabled alike There would be no cries in Gongo la Mboto Everyone would be with their loved one
If only I were a bird I would assume the power of Facebook, Twitter and Diaspora To alert and alert and change and change And cause fear among the dictators Shake them to their deepest bossoms And cause them to flee their countries And let the people be what they want to be Free souls … unchained souls … Equality, justice, respect, sustainability …
What bird would you choose to be if you were given the chance … I envy the birds … free as they are!