The family started out with their concept through internet based feedback primarily blogs & you tube in October 2010. Through the support of blogs like yours they were able to garner enough support to breakthrough as a viable reality show. At the beginning of 2011
'Growing Up African' is unlike any other reality show presented because now the people of East Africa can relate to who they see.
It took hard work and convincing for EATV execs to foster the show onto their weekly program but everyone is excited. Currently on air there are promos running for the next couple of weeks through radio and television.
The show will premier on Friday, March 25th, 2011 at 9:30pm in East Africa on EATV Channel 5. Again hanging out on East Africa Television (EATV) Fridays @ 9:30pm, Saturdays @ 8:30pm, Sundays @ 12:30pm & Tuesdays @ 8:30pm
To Learn more about the show go to => WWW.GROWINGUPAFRICAN.COM